Bolster your green credentials with an LED printer

Three decades seems like a long time, yet it certainly seems to have flown by since LED printers first burst onto the scene in the 90s. Hailed as the quieter, more reliable cousin of the laser printer, LED printers were generally considered faster and more energy efficient, with OKI being the bona fide pioneers of this now omnipresent hardware. Here are a few reasons why LED printers today, are the go-to devices for small businesses and large corporations alike.

Premium print quality

LED technology lets you print with varying levels of intensity for each and every single printed dot. This high-level detail and strong depth in colour empowers businesses to produce high resolution, professional prints in-house, also saving money as printing projects aren’t farmed out to an expensive outside third party printer.

Compact sizing

Due to the static nature of the LED print heads which don’t move, LED printers can be smaller in size than other devices. This means they can easily fit into an office where space is limited, or in a retail environment where a discreet printing device is needed.


The lack of moving parts makes LED printers more reliable and durable. Many LED printers also use Single Pass Colour Technology that is less susceptible to paper jams when printing on heavier paper such as labels or envelopes.

Speedy printing

To really appreciate the speed benefit is to understand the mechanics of how an LED printer works.

A photoreceptive drum is contained in an LED printer, similar to what is found in a laser printer. This drum’s surface is positively charged with static electricity by a high voltage wire. In a laser printer, a laser would use data sent to it from a circuit board to draw the image (to be printed) into a mirror, which moves on its axis to transfer the beam onto the drum. In comparison, the negative static charge in an LED printer is created by a strip of LEDs strategically positioned above or below the drum. Whilst a laser printer uses a beam that travels repeatedly back and forth over across the drum, an LED printer uses the light pattern of LEDs flashing on the full line ensuring faster printing.


LED dot-size precision is an awesome and key feature of LED printers. This is what LED printers are built for – to print the smallest dot sizes for a highly accurate output. This is especially handy if you have fine text that needs reproducing and which when placed under a microscope, the quality remains unimpaired.

Conserve energy

Considerably fewer material resources in production, and by default less energy, is utilised in LED technology. Although duplex printing is a feature in both laser and LED printers, LED OKI printers can be set to a default to automatically print double-sided without diminishing print quality. This can potentially save paper and bolster your company’s green credentials in the process. LED technology fuses the toner onto paper, unlike inkjet technology where ink soaks onto paper. Not only is show-through eliminated, you also don’t have to wait for the ink to dry before printing on the other side, thus saving time.

Versatile printing

By combining state-of-the-art LED technology with a single-pass flat paper path, OKI offers outstanding print speed. This is in addition to phenomenal media handling capability, ranging from A6 to up to 1.32m in length and up to 360gsm in weight. This means you are able to print in-house anything ranging from business cards to event banners, all in just a click of a button.

Docuflow offers a unique service performance guarantee. If over the length of the contract your device is not performing to the manufacturers specifications it will be changed completely free of charge without you having to resign contracts for a new or equivalent model. Contact Docuflow to discover a new world of printing and enjoy high quality prints in-house, in just a few seconds.

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